What is Spiritual Direction?
Would you appreciate another set of eyes and ears to help you pay attention to the voice and leading of God in your life?
Are you rethinking core beliefs about God, the Bible, and faith?
Do you want to connect more deeply with God but you aren't sure where to start?
Do you struggle to be your authentic self with God?
If questions like these resonate with you, I encourage you to consider spiritual direction.
"Spiritual Direction is the ministry of being a trusted companion for another person on their spiritual journey. It offers a person the time and space to discern, discover, and grow in their relationship with God."
-Ave Maria Press
​​Although the tradition of spiritual direction began hundreds of years ago within monasteries, today followers of Jesus from every stream are discovering the power of having a spiritual companion.
Want to learn more? Listen to "Spiritual Direction for Beginners" - Episode 167 of The Next Right Thing Podcast with Emily P. Freeman
My Discovery of Spiritual Direction
I learned about spiritual direction over 12 years ago, in a time of discernment about what God had for me after my youngest started school.
Each month I brought my jumbled thoughts to my spiritual director and she helped me look for the hand and voice of God in the midst of my prayers and daily life. It was a bit like panning for gold. She climbed into the river of my life and together we pulled out the rocks and held the dirt up to the light, looking for the flecks of God’s golden presence in my life.
Spiritual direction has become an indispensable part of my life. In a world that is full and often overwhelming, it is my joy to help others hold this kind of holy space in their lives.
Spiritual Direction FAQs
What can I expect during a session?
I open my sessions with prayer and light a candle to acknowledge the presence of our true guide, the Holy Spirit. From there, you can talk about anything that is on your mind and heart, whether that topic feels directly spiritual or not. I believe there is no divide between the sacred and the secular. All things are spiritual, whether we are talking about our prayer lives or parenting or career decisions. My role is to spend time in God's presence with you--listening, asking questions and helping you discern what God is inviting you to.
As we discern together, I can also incorporate other practices and tools into our time. I use Lectio Divina, the Enneagram, and Spiritual Temperaments to help facilitate insight and growth in your relationship with God. I also have training in inner healing prayer and Internal Family Systems for Soul Companions if there are areas of discouragement or fear in your relationship with God that you can't shake.
How often would we meet?
Once a month for 75 minutes
What is the cost?
$100 per session. Finances should not be a barrier to spiritual direction so talk to me if this is prohibitive for you.
How long do people usually meet with a spiritual director?
Unlike counseling, which you might engage in during a challenging season of life, spiritual direction is meant to be a spiritual practice built into the fabric of your life, like prayer and participating in a community of faith. For this reason, many people incorporate it into their spiritual life for the long haul. Others choose to prioritize it during certain seasons, such as times of discernment and transition, or when facing challenging questions about their faith.
Do you only work with people who identify as Christian?
There are many who are interested in God, Jesus, and faith but either do not have a background in faith or have experienced pain at the hands of organized religion. My belief is that everyone is created, known and loved by God. While my spirituality is grounded in the person of Jesus, my hope is that I create a safe space for people of all backgrounds (gay or straight, conservative or liberal, Christian or otherwise) to explore their connection to God.
What if I don't live in Seattle?
I have clients around the globe and connect with them via Zoom.
If you are interested in spiritual direction or have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I offer a complimentary initial call to help you determine if my approach to spiritual direction is the right fit for you. Follow me on Instagram @space_for_god.